2017 Dr. Ann Wolfe Mini-Grant Award Winners, Scotland County Health Department


Dr. Ann Wolfe Mini Grants

NCPHA is pleased to announce the availability of 4 Wolfe Mini Grants for Child Health and Infant Mortality. The grants are to be awarded at the NCPHA Fall Educational Conference. Each grant award will be in the amount of $8,000. Applications are due no later than July 12, 2024.  Click here to download the Wolfe Mini Grant Application.  

Strategies for Successful Request:

  • Type the proposals.
  • Answer all the questions completely in the space provided.
  • Email the proposal to Kim Dittmann at [email protected].
  • Obtain proper signature on the proposal.
  • Submit your proposal by the deadline stated.


  • Must be a Local Health Department in North Carolina as the primary applicant.
  • Project Year begins November 1, 2024 through an 18 month period.
  • Application is limited to the pages provided. Supporting documentation and letters of support are not necessary and additional materials will not be considered.
  • Grant funds cannot supplant local contributions.
  • The data statement on the cover page must be completed.
  • Type proposal using a minimum 10 font.
Proposals will be accepted by email only. Please communicate directly with Kim Dittmann with any questions about the mini-grant process. 

Kim Dittmann
[email protected]
Phone: (919) 828-6205

Click here to see past winners of the Dr. Ann Wolfe Mini-Grants since 2009.